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♥ Saturday, September 13, 2008
WHEE~~ S.H.E new abulm! [我的電台 FM S.H.E] oh my god! i cant wait til 23 sep! i want it now! NOW! NOW! hehee.. i like th abulm :D even though abit too surprising at first.
i change the song of the blog. the song name is 沿海公路的出口 nice rite? new song from their abulm. very their style of song. the type of love sad story. at first softsoft then slowly very strong..
用一根火柴燒一場蜃樓 Using a matchstick to conjure a mirage 借這場大雨讓自己逃走 Making use of this big rain to allow myself to escape 荒茫公路 無人的漂泊 The busy road has no wanderers 寂寞海嘯把我卷走 The lonely tsunami drifts me away 用一段感情換一個朋友 Exchanging a relationship for a friend 每一句再見割一道傷口 Every goodbye cuts a wound open 躲在萬劫不復的街頭 Hiding in a street that's doomed eternally 微笑參透覆水難收 All emotions are flooding out 倘若說放一次手 Let's say if we let go for once 就像咳一個嗽 It's like nursing a cough 我又何苦在乎的得不到的溫柔 Why do I still care about that warm feeling that I can't get 我坐在公路的出口 I sit at the exit of the highway 等待天黑以後 無邊的寂寞 Waiting for the immense loneliness to dawn after the sun sets 連想你都是種殘酷切磋 Even thinking of you is a cruel thought 我目送沿海的日落 I witness the sunset at the beach 緊抱一個醉生夢死的枕頭 Hugging tightly a befuddling pillow 游不出回憶卻學不會放手 Can't swim out of memories, yet unable to let go 怎麼走How do (we) walk?
this is a very sad song. the first few days when the previews of the abulm was out, one of the songs were this lah then i hear after many times, started crying. cos very sad :( i'm sure many will like this song! :D
[我的電台 FM S.H.E] will be officially realesed on 26sep sad thing dat this time round, sg and malaysia no preorder! WHY?! but i think we can get the abulm on 23 sep! oh my god, i very excited now!! haha. the CD havent released yet, i alrdy quite familar with some of the lyrics hehee. i want to rmb all the lyrics even before the released! i was thinking of learning the 宇宙小姐 dance steps now! is there a possibility to even learn the dancestep before the release of abulm? haha. very hard.
i'm supposed to study now. exams so near. but cant concentrate! and worst thing dat all the S.H.E abulm events all fall arnd this period also damn! >.<
anyway wanna really tell S.H.E dat i will FOREVER support them. okay, they wont be able to see. no matter how the abulm is, we fans will support you FOREVER! dun understand how "fans" could comment such things to S.H.E i dun think they are ur fans. they just trying to mess up things. i dun even feel anything wrong with the abulm. the abulm is so cool and interesting!